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“Learn to recite before it’s too late.”
“Our classes connect learners from various Malay and English-speaking countries.”
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
We use a personalized approach, where the teacher will first assess your initial recitation to determine your reading level, and they will suggest the appropriate class to start with.
The fee is based on your own affordability. You can negotiate until it’s agreed upon.
Yes, you can choose either an ustaz or ustazah to teach you.
Yes, you can decide your own class schedule and timing.
Yes, you can reschedule your recite class through our system, or simply inform our student support or teacher, and they will gladly assist you.
Yes, you can discuss with our sales team for more details.
Yes, we also offer other classes like Fardhu Ain, Tadabbur, Hafazan, and Tarannum classes.
Copyright © 2024 | Akram Afifi Holding Sdn Bhd (1367467-V)